Interview with Justin Quinnell, the king of pinhole photography!
How did you get interested in Pinhole photography?
Although I did a degree in Photography years ago, I only started getting into pinhole photography
when I was teaching in a poor area of Bristol (around 20 years ago), the students couldn’t afford
cameras but could afford cans of coke so we made cameras out of them. I realised the potential
and was hooked.
What is it about pinhole photography that appeals to you?
There is no view finder, it clashes art and science after a 150 schism, a lot happens in pre-
visualising the images, elements of time, astronomy, wonder etc, etc, etc, (This is what I go on
about for hours in my lectures!)
Its also cheap, and it is anti commercial, I am involved with the Green Party and was getting
disillusioned with photography and the amount of destruction it can cause pinholing gets around
What advantages does Pinhole have over lens-based photography?
Unlimited depth of field giving a ‘bugs eye view’ of the world, indestructible, you can fit them
in your mouth, you have to make them yourself, no idea what the image will actually be, time
exposures, loads and loads!
Do you think there is still a place for Pinhole now we are in such a technological and
digital age?
Oddly yes, there is only a certain amount of discovery and wonder you can encounter sitting in
front of a computer screen, Experimentation and ‘embracing the accident’ requires effort, not
necessarily technology.
Do you exhibit your work and if so where?
Several exhibitions over the past years around the world, and I have images on my website as
well as yearly participation for world pinhole day.
Do you practice other forms of photography other than Pinhole?
I like my small digital snappy camera but I otherwise only use pinhole (but several different
approaches from 110 colour cartridge to wheelie bin!)
How much teaching/workshops do you do?
Universities and colleges around the UK and beyond, I work part time in a secondary school and
the rest of the time teach or do pinhole.
Do you see Pinhole as a good learning aid or an end in itself?
Both, but it imposes wonder which is possibly the gateway to enjoying life!
What makes a successful pinhole image?
Uncovering the unknown and unexpected.
Have you considered using a digital sensor with a pinhole camera?
Yup, and pinhole films etc, unfortunately modern SLRs have small CCDs and result in poor
quality pinhole images, so dissuading people from the true potential. Perfectly feasible to do